Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Aladdin Pants & Floral Patterns

"Energy is the currency of the universe. When you 'pay' attention to something, you buy that experience. So when you allow your consciousness to focus on something or someone that annoys you, you feed it your energy, and it reciprocates the experience of being annoyed. Be selective in your focus because your attention feeds the energy of it and keeps it alive. Not just within you, but in the collective consciousness as well." - Emily Maroutian

Salut mes beautes intelligentes! 

Happy New Years Eve!!! In addition to celebrating making it into the new year during this very festive period, reflecting on the year is an essential exercise for me, even more so the older I get and the more responsibilities I have. It gives me a chance to understand new things I got to learn about myself, goals I was able to achieve and those I didn't (and why), what and who I'm most thankful for, new skills I may have developed, breakthrough moments, failures, and overall how my perception on life has evolved. As most of you probably know, NYE particularly comes with a lot of excitement, parties and activities(which I'm thoroughly looking forward to!) , but I'm really hoping I get to reflect/plan for the upcoming year, and I hope you do too! Talking about NYE, I still don't know what I'm wearing tonight or tomorrow - oh dear! 

I usually don't opt for harem/Aladdin pants (they were sold as joggers but honestly they look like harem pants to me :D) because I used to think they just didn't fit right. This is the first pair I feel fits perfectly! It's also so comfortable, I could sleep in it. (Yea not happening, but you know what I mean :D). I picked up this floral top at a JC Penney store that closed down not too long ago for $4! It was their last day open and I walked in worried that everything was all gone, until I found this blouse. I love the vintage hint to it, and how well it complements the black pairing.

Photo Credit: Shalom Ikhena

Photo Credit: Shalom Ikhena

Thank you so much for sticking with me all through 2014! Your comments, likes, messages/emails all make my day, and truly warm my heart! I hope to continue to learn more about fashion/style, and hopefully inspire your viewpoint on it in the little way that I can. Voyez-vous l'année prochaine!

Floral Blouse - JC Penney
Aladdin Pants - New Look
Black Clutch - Express
Black Heels - Payless
Earrings - Francesca 
Necklace - H & M

Stay Positive; Stay Mindful 

1 comment :

  1. OBSESSED with this outfit, Nini! I completely felt the same way about joggers/harem pants, but I also recently found a pair that finally fit correctly. Kind of a bummer about Bellevue JCP closing but YAY for mega clearance finds! Also, I've decided that I need a solid black clutch. Thanks for the reminder on taking the time to reflect and plan for the New Year. It's always nice having an arbitrary reason to regularly reset your life. Counting down the days until you'e home!
