Thursday, February 13, 2014

Red Velvet Cupcakes - Happy Valentines Day!!!

"Who, being loved, is poor?" - Oscar Wilde
Happy Valentine's Day darlings!!! This year, I'm excited about today for many reasons, and consequently, I picked up some home decor and decided to make some treats! Although, this holiday is traditionally reserved for couples, I think it should be about all kinds of love - God's love for us, love for family, friends, and one's self! Try not to be part of the "Love Stinks" team today (I've been seeing so much hate on campus, and social media. It's a little tragic I must say), but instead decide to show some love today - perhaps, to the less unfortunate or even people in your lives that you care about. :)
Anyway, as always, I thought I'd share one of the recipes I made for today on here! Let me know if you have any comments/suggestions/questions. Enjoy! :D 
 I recently bought this recipe book, isn't it the cutest thing?

Level: Easy
Yield: 12 cupcakes 
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Bake Time: 25 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes   
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of oil or 2 sticks of butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 2 ounces of red food coloring
  • 2 1/2 cups of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 cup of buttermilk
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

    ALTERNATIVE LIST OF INGREDIENTS: A red velvet cake mix, oil, water and eggs. If you don't have enough time today to bake, this is a great alternative and tastes just as yummy! For instructions on how to bake using these ingredients, follow the written ones on the back on the box, and then scroll all the way to FROSTING, to decorate the each cupcake.

    Step 1
    Cream the sugar and butter, until the mix is light and fluffy.
    Step 2
    Add in eggs one at a time, mixing very well.
    Step 3
    Mix the food coloring and cocoa powder together, and add it to the mixture.
    Step 4
    Add sugar to the mix.
    Step 5
    Mix the flour with the salt separately. Add the powdered mix to the creamy mixture.
    Step 6
    Add in the butter milk and mix properly.
    Step 6
    Add the baking powder and mix properly.
    Step 7
    Divide batter evenly among muffin cups.
    Step 8
    Bake for 20 - 25 minutes, and allow to cool.
    FROSTING! (The fun part :D)
    Step 1
    Spread the frosting generously over each cupcake, using a table knife.
    Step 2
    Add sprinklers over the frosted cupcakes, and you're done!

    Friday, February 7, 2014

    Mini Crêpes (Petites Crêpes) - In Honor of French Crêpe Day! (Chandeleur)

    A brief History on La Chandeleur: At the time of the year when Candlemas was celebrated (exactly 40 days after Christmas - Feb 2nd), winter planting was beginning. People used the surplus flour to make crêpes, a symbol of prosperity for the coming year! It is said that Pope Gelasuis I, comforted the pilgrims arriving in Rome with crêpes, with the belief that the shape and color of crêpes evoked the sun(golden discs like the sun, get it? Haha). The Chandeleur has become with the years, the day of crêpes, and is especially loved by children. Traditionally, the cook has to skip the crêpes with a gold coin in hand. If he/she succeeds, his/her house will prosper all year long (I don't own a gold coin, so I didn't bother, lol). Another custom I found interesting, and is less common, is putting the first crepe in a closet (I personally wouldn't advise that, but I guess it goes to show the appreciation the people had for Crêpe Day at the time). Most importantly, this day is celebrated with family, friends, food and games. Now, on to the recipe :D

    Un peu d'histoire sur La Chandeleur: Au moment de l'année, lorsque la Chandeleur a été célébrée (exactement 40 jours aprés Nöel - 2 février), la plantation d'hiver commençait. Les gens ont utilisé de la farine excédentaire pour faire crêpes, un symbole de la prospérité pour la nouvelle année. On dit que le Pape Gelasuis I a consolé les pèlerins arrivant à Rome avec crêpes. Avec la croyance que la forme et la couleur des crêpes appelé le soleil(disques d'or comme le soleil, tu comprends? Haha). La Chandeleur est devenu le jour de crêpes, et il est aimé par les enfants. Traditionnellement, le cuisinier doit frire la crêpe avec une pièce d'or dans la main. S'il réussit, sa maison va prospérer toute l'année (je n'ai pas une pièce d'or, eh bien, lol). Une autre coutume que j'ai trouvé intéressant, et il est moins courant, est de mettre la première crêpe dans le placard (je ne sais pas, je ne vais pas essayer personnellement, lol). Principalement, cette journée est célébrée avec la famille, des amis, de la nourriture et des jeux. Maintenant, ci-dessous est la recette! :D 

    Total Time (Temps Total): 45 mins 
    Prep Time (Temps de Préparation): 10 mins
    Cook Time (Temps de Cuisson): 35 mins
    Yield (Pour): 4 people (4 personnes)


    - 1 cup of all purpose flour / 1 tasse de farine 
    - 2 eggs / 2 oeufs
    - 1/2 cup of milk / 1/2 tasse de lait
    - 1/2 cup of water / 1/2 tasse de l'eau
    - 1/4 teaspoon of salt / 1/4 petite cuiller de sel
    - 2 tablespoons of butter / 2 cuillère à soupe de beurre
    -1 teaspoon of cinnamon (optional) / 1 pette cuiller de cannelle (optionnel)
    - Coconut Oil / Huile de Coco


    Step 1/ La Première Étape

    In a large mixing bowl or blender, whisk the flour and eggs together. Add in the milk and water gradually, while stirring or blending to combine. Add the salt, butter and cinnamon and beat until smooth.

    Dans un grand bol ou un mixeur, battre la farine et les oeufs ensemble. Ajouter le lait et l'eau graduellement, mélange de combiner. Ajouter le sel, le beurre et la cannelle, jusqu'à ce qu'il n'y ait plus de grumeaux.

    Step 2/ La Deuxième Étape

    Put a little oil on a frying pan over medium high heat. Pour the batter onto the pan. Tilt the pan with a circular motion to spread the batter evenly.

    Mettez un peu d'huile dans une poêle à frire avec feu moyen-élevé. Versez la pâte sur le poêle à frire. Inclinez la poêle à frire avec un mouvement circulaire pour étaler la pâte uniformément.

    Step 3/ La Troisième Étape

    Fry the crêpes for about 2 minutes, until the bottom is golden brown. Flip it over to fry the other side.

    Faire frire les crêpes pendant 2 minutes, jusqu'à ce que le bas est doré. Lancez la crêpe pour faire frire l'autre côté.

    Step 4/ La Quatrième Étape

    Spread Nutella on one half of the crêpe, and Strawberry Jam on the other. Roll up the crêpe, and sprinkle Baking Sugar over it. I would also eat them with just honey, I am not a fan of bombarding sweet crêpes with fruits, whipped cream and what not, but feel free to add your favorite fruits! :) 

    Étaler Nutella sur une moitié de la crêpe, et la confiture de fraise sur l'autre. Roulez la crêpe, et saupoudrez du bicarbonate de sucre au-dessus. Je voudrais aussi les manger avec seulement le miel, je n'aime pas les crêpes sucrées avec des fruits, de la crème fouettée, mais vous pouvez ajouter vos fruits préférés! :)

    Pardonnez mon français, j'apprends encore. Vous remercie pour la lecture!

    Bon Appétit

    Tuesday, February 4, 2014

    Universal Studios - The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

    Hello darlings! 

    Although I'm back to the freezing north, I stay reminiscing the good ol' sunny days in Orlando! (Well I was there only two weeks ago, but still!). Over the break, my family and I went on a somewhat impromptu trip to Universal Studio. We spent most of the day exploring the "magic" of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

     I have never been a true fan of Harry Potter. I remember having a huge crush on Daniel Racliffe when I was 10, but that is as far as it goes with my love for this fantasy, young-adult fiction. I have to say, I was impressed by the construction and build of the village of Hogwarts, every aspect of the park looked like it was transported right out of the movies. The rides were amazing and worth the wait. :)

    The butter beer was amazing!

    Bow-printed dress - H & M
    Light Cardigan - H & M
    Converses - Payless

    Many thanks to my amazing sister for taking most of these pictures!

    Amour et seulement l'amour,